
Monday 29 May 2023

"Hard Times For Killing Machines" - Buck Theorem album

Hey, so I’ve made more music, This one is called 




which is from a hashtag I irreverently put on an Instagram post accompanying a picture of local shop dummies that looked like the T-1000 had taken up a modelling gig. The artist Found Object suggested it should be the name of my next album: and so it is.


Starting off with a sad lament of an assassin android being decommissioned, there’s a little fist-shaking at the gulf between those that have and those that have not, and then a little philosophical shrug at loss. Then we move on to a selection of romance scenarios, on beaches, in alleyways, and an couple of obvious declarations of neediness (including a cover of The Cars' "Drive"). Only interrupted by musings on the intent of dining implements and desserts, ending up with a credo that we should protect our nearest and dearest, if only by fantastical means.


This one is electrocynical and started life as an intended EP, but soon became LP length. -ish. It’s cheap (£1!) and should you download, you get a pdf of words and pictures too.


Why not give it a listen?


And here's the original picture and Instagram post as evidence of the T-1000s new fashionista career.

"The T-1000 has seemingly fallen on hard times and is modeling for my local superstore place. Shame."

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