Anthony & John Russo, USA, 2016
The morning when I thought I might go
see ‘Captain America: Civil War’, I
popped into my local comic shop where they are naturally and expectedly talking
about such things. The comic shop guy was telling someone, “It's the best ‘Avengers’
movie without ‘Avengers’ in the title.” Then Spider-Man was mentioned and
someone across the shop called out “Spider-Man is in it for seventeen minutes.
Sorry, my Autism just kicked in.” Anyway, the comic shop guy is usually
reliable (he’s introduced me to ‘American
Vampire’ and ‘Outcast’ and we’ve
bonded over ‘Teen Titans Go!’, so
that’s all good) and I am sure this moment encouraged me to check out the
latest Marvel Universe offering. No, I hadn’t seen the previous Captain America
films, but ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’
had left me cold and, although I have heard it is the best film ever, the first
‘The Avengers’ film had only mildly
entertained me. So I doubt I was expecting much from ‘Civil War’.
The plot is set going by the same
troubling question of what happens about all the people who die in a typical
urban super-battle that triggered ‘Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice’, and likewise this argument sets super-friends
against one another.* Whereas ‘Batman vs
Superman’ simply ignored the moral questions it had initially set up, ‘Civil War’ sidesteps them by having the
subsequent super-battles in desolate locations (an evacuated airport and
Siberia). It will be interesting to see whether they address this in sequels or
if it’s just there to fuel soap opera. There may be a large selection of characters
to juggle but the underlying storyline is streamline and the whole enterprise
feels more focused and less cluttered than the previous ‘Avengers’ films. Not that ‘Civil
War’ isn’t just as eager to please, but it just seems to be actually having fun
without making up for any deficiencies by joking around.

Just as the tone has settled, the
Spider-Man sequence pops up and it’s funny; then he’s somewhat unceremoniously
dumped with a “You’re done”; but it’s a promising introduction to his reboot.
The humour surrounding Spider-Man goes to show how self-conscious the
one-liners are in ‘The Avengers’
films, however welcome: here, the humour is not about quips but centred in
Peter Parker’s naivety and others reactions to him; the jokes are more organic,
highlighted all the more because the rest of the film doesn’t try hard to be
comedic. Even wise-ass Tony Stark seems subdued here.

No, there is nothing at all original
here, but Anthony and Joe Russo direct something that is fun, despite its
faux-seriousness, without quite feeling desperate and forced. It doesn’t quite
answer the questions it raises (for example, what about the damage they do to
the airport? Millions of dollars worth, surely??) but it delivers on the genre
demands of emotional super-beings in entertaining punch-ups with dashes of
humour and lashings of special effects.
* Yeah yeah, I know Batman and Superman
aren’t friends – not in that film – but you get my gist.
Haven't seen this yet, and we are going to, so I had to skip some of your post-- but I liked the idea of the script being nimble enough to layer on just enough of certain elements, and I'd say that bodes well for me. Thanks!
It's definitely fun, Ophelia. Enjoy!
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